Monday, December 13, 2010

Steve Taube (RIP) /Turquoise Artist Bad Boys Mine, Cripple Creek CO

In Oct. 2010 we were at a craft show in Palmer Lake, CO.  Across from us was the mother of a turquoise jeweler/ artist who wraps Cripple Creek turquoise in sterling silver. 

We really liked his work so when we got home we checked eBay and the only Cripple Creek stones I found were just nuggets and none that were wrapped.
Normally I am not looking for consignment items to sell, but this intrigued me.

Long story short, we met the jeweler at his home.  Steve Taube, gave us a complete tour and started by showing us the rough stone, the way it comes out of the mine. (Update - Steve is now deceased  - RIP)
Each time a rough rock is cut, ground and polished is like Christmas morning, opening a new present.
And the machines he uses to grind 

and polish the stones.
As we sat at the table he wrapped a nugget in 3 separate strands of sterling silver wire.

It is rumored that there is trouble at the mine and it is now closed for an indefinite amount of time.  Fortunately Steve has many pounds of the rock but once it is gone, who knows if or when there will be anymore.  

Steve's signature is the little loops at the top of all his pieces. 
He has a fantastic reputation and a following.  Here is a feedback we received from one of the pieces we sold on eBay."GOOORGEOUS turquoise! Exceptional Artist Piece, My 3rd from him Super Quick Ship "   

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why I Blog

Gene, Danna & Jimmy
In Oct. 2008 I Gene and I had the privilege to drive Danna & Jimmy Crawford ( from an eBay gathering in Hays, KS to Denver.  

In the 3 1/2 hours we were in the car Danna asked me if I blogged.  I gulped and said no,  not really - thinking what would I write about and who wants to read about me, or my stuff or my life?

Boy was I wrong.  

A blog can be many things and for me it is to promote our eBay listings by using keywords to get folks to the blog and then hopefully they will be curious enough to click on our logo that will take them to our listings. 
Griff and me
While we were in Kansas we met some very amazing eBayers, including Griff.  He did a review of one of my listings as a workshop to a room full of people.  
Griff recommended that we use a mannequin to display our ladies scarves.  That mannequin has become our logo and hopefully our brand. 

Picking a subject that is keyword rich is the secret I use to be visible on the 1st page of a Google, Yahoo or Bing search. 
A restaurant that was on the Food Network - Diners, Drive-In and Dives that we ate at in Chicago
 One easy way to get started is to do reviews of businesses in a community or city that will bring locals to the blog looking for a review of that business. 

Guest interview on eBay Radio with Griff & Lee 12/7/10 

Please email me at with a link to your blog so I can become a follower. 

One tool to help promote your blog is EntreCard. I will be demonstrating EntreCard in a Webinar, for the members of
Virtual Online Learning, on Jan. 13, 2011.  Membership goes up on 1/1/11 so join now and save $50.00.

Join my new Yahoo group / message board, I just created for new and experienced bloggers.  Blogging 101 and Beyond

Try it- blogging can be alot of fun and you can meet alot of new, interesting people along the journey.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Newest Creation - Louise's STRING SCARVES / Scarf

At a craft show I saw a scarf that gave me the idea to make these scarves because I have tons of all kinds of yarn.  They are just multiple strands of all different kinds of specialty yarns, knotted in the middle and on both ends.  They sold like crazy at the last show. It is important to use at least 5 different yarns, threads etc. Many different ones can be seen in our eBay Store.
Blues, with fun fur
Greens with fun fur

Pinks and lavender with dusty pink fun fur

Tan, grays and fun fur

Red, Purple and pink with fun fur and red & purple eyelash yarn

Blues, white and browns with fun fur

Tan with bright green, yellow and orange fun fur.

And of course being the eBayer I am, here is a link to those currently listed. Some of the ones photoed may not be available, but I will do custom including team colors.  Special pricing for 5 or more. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Reduced Prices for the "12 Days 'Til Cyber Monday" Sale

 Happy Holidays to you and yours. 
We are thinking about our own holiday shopping and ways to save money.  I suspect you are thinking much the same thing.
As a result of these thoughts, starting on Thursday 11/18 we  have marked down some of our product lines in the Fixed Price Format.  Each sale will last just 24 hours, so check back each day for bargains, from Midnight to 11:59 PM.

Here is a clickable link to each line that will be marked down on that day -
Thurs 11/18 =  Christmas Sale Items
Friday 11/19 = Shoelace Sale Items
Tues. 11/23 = Cookbook Sale Items
Sat.  11/27 = Scarf Sale Items

Thanks for browsing and we wish you the happiest of holiday seasons.  

Friday, November 5, 2010


 In Jan, 1999, we were first introduced to these oils. In the last 12 years we never cease to be amazed at their value. 

So here is just a little info on a few of our favorite oils.  Keep in mind that it is important to consult a physician when any alternative therapy is considered. 

Gene volunteered to apply 2 drops to the bottom of my feet every night with 3 different oils . The feet absorb the oils faster than only other part of the body but because he has the oils on his hands, he benefits from them as well.

Thieves Oil Blend - Formulated from the herbs the grave robbers anointed themselves with before they robbed graves in medieval Europe.   I have not had a bad cold or the flu for as long as we have been doing this - over 8 years. Young Living has created a whole line of cleansers and sprays using the thieves. Various Thieves Products

Valor  - Also called Chiropractor in a bottle. "It has been found to help the body self-correct its balance and alignment giving relief of pain."  Valor

Peace and Calming - "Promotes relaxation and a deep sense of peace, helping to dampen tensions and uplift spirits"  It also helps curtail snoring, so Gene puts that on on me too so he can sleep better. Peace and Calming

Other oils we like - All the citrus.- Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit and Orange.  We dip the end of a toothpick in the oil and then swirl it in a gallon of water.  It  flavors the water and adds Vitamin C to the water.  

I wondered at the beginning how that is possible and was told this example.  If we were to do the same with the oregano oil and swirled that 1 end of the toothpick in tomato sauce the end result would be like adding 1 pound of oregano.  Amazing.  So just a drop or two can flavor alot of liquid. 

Some of the oils are so pure they can be put under the tongue or in gel caps and take internally. 

There are many single oils plus alot of blends.  There are hundreds of testimonials on all the miraculous things these oils do. They truly are amazing.  Once you try one, you will be convinced and will want to try them on so many ailments.

We are distributors and can get the oils for you at the special customer prices. And if you are interested in selling them yourself we can add you to our downline and as you build your network, can earn a commission each month.    Our distributor number is 215438.

Oils we currently have for sale

YLEO Web Site

Monday, November 1, 2010

November is Gratitude Month - 2010

Our Home
 With that in mind I will be adding something I am grateful for on each day of November. 

When we focus on the good, good things will come to us. That is better known as a self fulfilling prophecy.

Nov. 1 - My good health, no pills, no issues.
Nov. 2 -  Gene! He truly is the wind beneath my wings.  
Nov. 3 - I am so grateful for our 6 Children. Each one is so special and have strengths that make us so proud.

Nov. 4 - I am grateful for our God who is loving and bestows riches on us each day of our lives.  The least we can do is to just say thank you!!

Nov. 5 -  I am grateful for being a distributor of Young Living Essential Oil.  4 drops a day of the Thieves blend, on either our hands or feet,  have keep us flu and bad cold - free for over 8 years.

Nov. 6 - I am grateful to my Father for giving me the ambition, dedication and commitment to be self employed, most of my adult life. 

Nov. 7 - I am so grateful to the folks at Smoky Hill HS, Aurora CO for a fantastic craft show yesterday.  At times there were 3 rows deep of people wanting to order a rice necklaces. Awesome. Thank You!    

Nov. 8 - My gratitude today is for our Realtor who found us this perfect house 5+ years ago.  Even has an elevator chair for when and if we ever need it!!
Nov. 9 - I am grateful for our childrens spouses and SO's, that bring them much happiness and love. 

Nov.10 - I am grateful for our "goin' out to lunch & dinner" friends.

Nov. 11 - Today "Veteran's Day" I am grateful for our active military men and women, all our Veteran's and their families and friends. 

Nov. 12 - I am so thankful for having the friendship of so many wonderful eBay sellers.

Nov. 13 - Thinking of my 1st husband today (RIP) and NOW I am grateful he moved us from Long Island, NY to Las Cruces, NM in 1966.  Wasn't crazy the idea back then, but it is one of my life changing events.

Nov. 14 - I am so grateful for the day we met Danna & Jimmy Crawford ( Having her family (as friends) and Danna (as a mentor / sounding board for some of my unique eBay ideas) is very precious to both of us. 

Nov. 15 - Today I have to be so grateful to the very nice HP Tech in India who solved my printer problems after I struggled for 6 hours trying to get it fixed on my own.
Nov. 16 - I am grateful for Virtual Online Leaning and being the 1st assistant organizer. I am especially grateful that the webinars, classes, chats etc. are done in an hour or so, which demonstrates Danna's consideration of our busy days.  

Nov. 17 - I am very thankful to have found Vendio (my listing & customer management service), over 11 years ago.  Sure makes my job easier.  Vendio Home Page 
Nov. 18 - I am grateful to be living in Colorado - great climate and we get to look at the mountain that inspired America the Beautiful everyday.  If it is cold, I'll put on a sweater; if it is hot - it will cool off in a few hours; the humidity is below 25% most of the time and if it snows it is usually gone by us in 24 hours. 

Nov. 19 - I am grateful to be able to be an active part of Sebastian's (grandson) life.

Nov. 20 - I am grateful for ALL my Facebook and online friends.  Thank You. 

 Nov. 21 - Very thankful for all the help my son and grandson gave us at the last few craft shows.

Nov. 22 - I am grateful to "THE SECRET" (how many years ago now?) and the LOA folks here on Facebook for reminding me that positive thinking, in all things, will be a self-fulfilling prophesy.

 Nov. 23 - I am thankful for eBay's GRIFF for all the help he gives us sellers and the info he shares on his Radio show.   Us at YABIE'S Kansas Jubilee Oct. 2008 where he suggested we use a mannequin to show off our listed scarves. 

Nov. 24 - I am grateful to Virtual Online Learning webinars on how blog and how to promote the blog on Entrecard. Thanks Danna.

Nov. 25 -  On this Thanksgiving Day I give thanks for our healthy, happy lives, family, friends and home. 


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wordless Wed. - Beautiful Cripple Creek Turquoise Pendants

These turquoise nuggets are from Bad Boy's Mine, Cripple Creek, CO. and hand wrapped with Sterling Silver.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Cripple Creek, Colorado Turquoise

Cripple Creek, Colorado has been a gold mining town since the 1800's.  The town remains but there is new 'gold ' there now.  It is one of 3 towns in Colorado that is allowed to have gambling. 

It is located on the west side of Pikes Peak in the Rocky Mountains.
One of the existing mines also has a high quality, very old turquoise. The colors range from typical bright turquoise, teal, light blue, green and pea green, with lots of matrix.

This mine is owned by a couple who dig it by hand. 

After the material is removed it is tumbled in a large tumbler to remove loose dirt.

This nugget still has excess material on it and will be hand ground then polished before it can be worked into a piece of jewelry.

The grinder and polisher 

Bundling the sterling silver wire wrapping.
The shaping of the wrap and loop for the top.

The finished wrapped nugget.

We have been lucky enough to meet one of the jewelers who obtain their stones from the Bad Boys Turquoise Mine.  They process it by alittle more tumbling, grinding and polishing each gem by hand. 

Now we are proud to present their finished work and have some of their finest pieces listed on eBay. Just click the link to see these very attractive pendants and necklaces.   Shop for Turquoise Cripple Creek Jewelry

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sandia Peak Tramway, Albuquerque, New Mexico

At the east end of Tramway Blvd, in Albuquerque, NM in the foothills of the Sandia mountains is the worlds longest 2.7 mile, aerial Tramway. 
On the 'flight' to the top one tram car passes the other. 
The trip goes over ponderosa pine, juniper and pinon forests, deep canyons and breathtaking terrain. Occasionally wild life can be spotted in and among the rocks.
After a 10 minute ride the tram arrives at the observation deck and building at the top. A short walk down a board walk, is the High Finance restaurant.
Looking to the east is the top of the Sandia Peak Ski area. That view has to be at least 30 - 40 miles, if not further.

The best time to go on top is at sunset.  The mountain the sun is setting behind, is Mt. Taylor by Grants, NM and about 50 miles away.       

Once the sun sets, the lights in the valley start coming on and look like diamonds on velvet.  The silver strand is the Rio Grande River.  
A visit to the top of Sandia mountain either by driving to the top from Hwy 14 on the east side or taking the tram on the west side, is an absolute must for every visitor to Albuquerque. Absolutely breathtaking!!!
Sandia Peak tramway info