Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Introduction

I hope with this blog to start conversations on many subjects. We have alot of areas of interest and life experiences. Between the 2 of us we have 6 grown children and 5 grandchildren scattered all over the country.

Long Island, NY is where I was born and raised and moved to NM in the mid 60's. For the most part we stayed there until 2001 (with only 2 1/2 years in Las Vegas, NV) My is husband is from Central, NM. In 2001 we moved back to the old home to take care of my ailing mother, with all intentions of staying for a long time. But she had other plans and passed, while in a nurning home, 3 1/2 months after we got there. We stayed for another couple of years when we finally decided NY was not for us. It was a hard decision as to where to move to, since we could go anywhere. Even considered Mexico fo a time. When my son said they were have a baby here in Colorado, we knew immediately that was where we wanted to be.

So here we are. To keep ourselves from sitting around and watching alot of TV we are eBaying alot of things we find at yard sales or estate sales including many, many things from the old home in New York.

We also do craft shows, fairs and our newest venture is the local flea market every weekend. Not only do we sell some of the new things we sell on eBay, and all the culinary herbs and spices along with dried botanicals and healing herbs, we also write names on rice and make rice charms for necklaces, key chains, charm bracelets and cell phones.

Among othere things we like do do is some gardening, cooking /canning (making jams)/ freezing the summer produce to enjoy in the winter. We belong to the Knights of Columbus (DH is 4th degree honor guard); the red hat society and we are thinking about joining a senior club, but really don't have the time.

Two days a week we babysit the grandson who is responsible for us being here. What a joy and. every time he is here is a real trip. Last week the notable comment was - He was eating a Pecot (combination peach and apricot) and I asked if he liked it. He is not quite 4 yet and his immediate response was - Yes I like the pecot - it is very nutritious. ( I gulped and choked back a laugh).

Anything in italiacs will be the subject of a future post - so please come back and look for it.

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