Friday, February 6, 2009

Day 2 RV Travels 2/5/09

Us in the field with the slide out out.
After a great nights sleep we worked some more in getting settled in. Gene's son and wife brought us breakfast/lunch of homemade breakfast burritos wrapped in homemade tortillas. Very yummy - Gene was in 7th heaven eating the food he grew up with.

After we ate it was time to get to busy filling the fresh water tank and hooking up the Direct TV receiver. After several tries Daniel (son) went up onto the roof and see why the satellite dish was not turning. There was no way to check it before we left and Gene was definitely not climbing up there for any reason.

It is stuck so we will have to get it fixed. More than one person has recommended we get a tripod with the dish on it that stands on the ground. We thought it was duplicating what we already have and wanted to try it first. When we get to Florida we will contact Direct TV and have them help us get all set up.

In the meantime we have a very good analog antenna and it will work just fine until we get the other squared away.

DIL - Eileen - and I went grocery shopping and went home to fix dinner. Frito pies with red chile and beans and hot dogs. And a great dessert - vanilla wafers. instant banana cream pudding and bananas layered in a dish. Chilled and just scooped out. No real recipe. Eileen is an excellent cook.

The meat for the chile and beans was venison. The family are big hunters and have a freezers full of antelope, elk and deer. Even Eileen's 9 year old nephew shot both an antelope and deer this past hunting season.

We spent the evening visiting with the family including Genes daughter and grandson and Eileen's mother. We came out to the RV and the gals went crazy looking at and choosing the woven Peruvian earrings we have listed on eBay. They have a friend who is going though chemo and wanted some of our scarves, which are just the right size to cover her head. They took Pink Ribbon scarves in 3 different background colors and a pair of pink ribbon shoelaces.

We went to bed undecided which way we were going to continue east. Back up to Albuquerque and then east on I-40 or south on I-25 to Las Cruces NM where it turns into I-10. The decision was left for the morning when we could really see the 5 day weather reports.


  1. GOOD JOB so far! More pictures please! LOL Travel safe. We want you back. Sounds like you're having fun. You can just click that picture in the tool bar of the blog page and then find your pictures in your files and you can plop them right in here...Living vicariously thru your travels. LOL
    God Bless

  2. Your blog is great! I have always thought RV travel sounds like so much fun!

  3. Well it sounds like you are learning about your RV. I drank that beer that we were saving for Gene. It looks like you missed all the cold weather for now. It is possible that we could see more of it. We do not know at this point if the shuttle is taking off on the 19th. It is all tentative right now. Connie and I are going fishing tomorrow morning for a while. Since the weather has been cold here, we will have to work hard to catch a fish. Now that we know you have a blog, we can follow you across the US. Looks like you may not get here until Wed. We are planning on having spaghetti for dinner when you get here. Take care and drive careful.
    Johnny & Connie

  4. Thanks all.

    Not sure Johnny when we will get there. It seems like slow going even tho' Gene is keeping it between 60 & 65. Ithink tomorrow we will drop down to Dallas on I-35 from OK City and then not sure if we will go east or continue down to I-10 to Houston. Just gotta watch the winds and rain.

    And spagetti sounds great. Thanks

  5. If you sayed on I-40 going East,you would go through Shawnee, OK. That is were I lived for 17 years. There is even a Wal Mart to stay at there.
    Johnny & Connie
