Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Shop Economically on eBay

Sometimes we do something routinely and don't really pay attention to how we do it.  I was shopping the other day on eBay and realized that there are certain patterns I follow.

First thing I do is to change the search from the default best match to Price + Shipping - Lowest first.  By doing this I am also able to see the items with free shipping and move the listings that might have low prices but high shipping to the bottom of the list.

One caveat is that the 1 cent listings will show up at the top of the list.  I am very cautious of these because most of the time they will be sent from a country with no labor or human rights laws.  So be sure to evaluate each item and all the details about the seller. 

Typically I will customize the search from options on the left side of the page. As in our daily life I like to support a Mom & Pop business and really shy away from those sellers that have 10,000+ feedback.  

Colorado Springs is a city of chain restaurants and we try to support the small local establishments. I equate the chains to the big drop ship sellers that may ship from outside US. 
I don't want to wait 10 - 20 days for a delivery, so I control my search using the appropriate option. 

I hope you will support our Mom & Pop business and visit our eBay store where you can rest assured we have all the merchandise in stock and do all the shipping ourselves, usually within hours of us recieving the payment.

Thank you.

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