Wednesday, March 23, 2011

If You Can't Join Them, Then BEAT Them

The end of last year I bought 2 batches of beads that were shipped from China.  Normally I avoid any product from China but these beads were something I had been looking for.  Supposedly they shipped right away but it took over 3 weeks to arrive.  

And when they did finally get here, they were not anything I could use.  I had to make the decision to try and communicate with them in China,  to send them back or to just keep them and try to resell them.  

Another sore spot that I hear alot about is drop shipping.  Many buyers have been burned by drop ship companies and alot of sellers have suffered even more. 

So that got me to thinking about my eBay listings.  eBay allows us to add Custom Item Specifics so I thought that I can let folks know that we are in the US and  and ship all our items ourselves.  

How do I do it specifically?  I use 2 blank Custom Item Specifics slots.  In 1 I put "In Stock" and then in the adjoining slot "Ships Immediately from CO, USA"

The 2nd line says "Pay Before 12N Mt Time" and adjoining "Sent same business day".

Both these custom boxes show up at the top of the listing and are searchable and they are something a potential buyer sees first in the item description. Hopefully both these little details will help buyers make a decision favorable to one of my listings. .


  1. nice entry and cool info......hope you can visit mine and leave a comment....see you on my world...

  2. Very useful information. For me I think some of the ebay changes coming will work for me. I scan postcards everyday.

  3. Great post. Please visit mine to and hope you follow me back and drop a comment. see you at

  4. Thank you for the information. I'm not an eBay seller, but I like what you're doing! Thanks for caring enough to sell quality.

  5. What great advice. I do drop ship on one of my ebay accounts, but always list where the item is shipped from. What a nice idea to customize the listing.

  6. nice post...i read your post first time i am really impress...i share this with my friends on my website...thanks

  7. It's definitely advantageous to list where you're item is shipping from. For certain types of items, the vast majority are shipping from China or Hong Kong, and they do take ages to reach people in North America or Europe. I was shopping for a scales recently for weighing yarn and fiber -- dozens of sellers had the exact same items, but there was one that specifically mentioned in their item title 'UK Stock'. Guess who I ordered from? And it arrived to me in three days. A much better alternative to having to wait weeks.

  8. just followed u dear. have a nice weekend.

  9. nice post…i read your post first time i am really impress…i share this with my friends on my website…thanks

  10. Nice post & very useful information.I read your post first time i am really impress.
