Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Power of the Wind - Door County, WI 9/29/11

After Chicago we drove up to Door County, Wisconsin.  We went on a tour on 10/1 and the tour guide told us that on the previous Friday a front was gong through and there were some strong winds.  (See our blog on the wind in Chicago and Lake Michigan).

Over 1000 trees were knocked down and many, many more branches.  The orchard where we took the tour from have many cherry trees topples over.

He told us that many roads had been impassable and there were electric companies from around the area there to help restore electric,.  One resort lost there water storage tank, so there was no water for the guests.  Alot of the hotels in Sturgeon Bay were sold out because many of the tent campers were forced indoors.  

Here are just a few photos of what we saw but there was alot!
It was so sad to see big, old Maple trees broken off and laying on their sides, uprooted or with huge branches broken off
A beautiful Juniper bush tree still standing ....

... but his partner was not as lucky.  These are in the parking lot at Al Johnson's Swedish Restaurant, Sister Bay, WI
Looks like it was just pushed over   I find the grass interesting - how it looks like a blanket over the root ball. 

The tour guide took us thru a golf course and on the way out he stopped and started to say look at the trees over there, with their leaves turning color.  He stammered and said they were there last  Thursday and now on Sunday 4 huge old trees were completely gone.  There was only 1 pile of cut logs stacked in the middle of the green area he was pointing too.  He was so shocked and we were all sad too!!

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