Friday, September 14, 2012

Sometimes People are Very Entertaining

 Having alot of friends on Facebook is pretty fun, but today a post from a relative really made me giggle.

This guy is over 70 and posted a link to his Swingers group. I doubt very much they are referring to dancing!!!!

This is an instance where I am so tempted to say something like - "have stock in Viagra?" or "when the RV is rocking don't come knockin" or so how is retirement? and many other inappropriate things. But will exercise restraint.

There is alittle background to this post too.  When we were RVing we attempted to meet up with him and his wife but it never happened.  Whew things do work out for the best!.  Then a while back I got an email from someone on his mailing list.  Just to be a smart Alec I replied 'to all' and received many emails back asking if we were swingers, too.  LOL

So you just never know who is doing what, when and with who. I sure could have lived the rest of my life without knowing this and hope I do not break out into hysterics when we see them again. 

Would you say something or how would you handle it, if at all or just let it go? 


  1. Louise, I would try to just ignore it but I can't imagine you holding it in! I'm not sure I could either!
    You just never know! A lady in our retirement community was arrested for selling drugs & prostitution! I don't know her, just heard about it!

  2. Knowing me, I would not be able to hold it back and would probably not be able to say more than Hello with only a smile and not a laugh.
