Friday, October 4, 2013

Pumpkin Should have been 100 Pound-er!

 The middle pumpkin should have been a record breaker.  LOL

Last year we planted seeds for huge 100#pumpkins and not one sprouted.  This year we did not plant any and one volunteer came up all by itself in late July.

After all the rain in Aug. and Sept. there was only one that developed and is over 20 pounds.
  If it had started earlier we think it would have had a better chance of being a big one.
The stem is what is so interesting about this guy.  It would have been big enough to support a huge one.  Notice Gene's finger next to it.
A little mousey or squirrel started nibbling on it so we harvested alittle early.
Besides saving the seeds for next year, do we carve it, use it for a decoration or cook it!!??

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