Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beware Empty vs Not Full - word play

I have been caught up in semantics the last week and these containers are a great example of what I am experiencing.  Are they empty or not full?  Same thing really but different wording means different things to many people. Empty could mean there is nothing in them while Not Full could mean there was something in them and there isn't any more. And then could that be interpreted as new vs used.

My experience with eBay has been a long one and one question I always ask myself who is my buyer and what words do they use to search for a certain item.

When I can answer that question I pretty much have my title. As an eBay seller it is my job to be sure my titles and descriptions are void of any words that can be misconstrued. 

Facebook is full of misinterpretations and twisted meanings of words & sentences.  And once that happens the snowball starts rolling down hill, gathering all the negativity and drama it can conger up.  

So beware how you say things, what you post anywhere on the internet.  There are those just waiting to pounce.  

These containers are currently listed in my eBay store with the title - 2 Spice Containers 1 oz Seeds Powder See Through Lid Stainless Crafts Beads

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