Sunday, April 13, 2014

Is Facebook Toxic or does it serve a purpose?

As many, I think I am addicted to Facebook.  It is fun keeping up with family, friends, school mates and people we have met over the years. I enjoy seeing photos, doing quizzes and finding out what flower I am or which country I should live in.  There videos of things I would never have found on my own.  Plus so much more.

Occasionally posts get misinterpreted and get out of hand and a fray ensues.  My way of dealing with those rare occasions is to retreat, stay away from the boards. Depending on the situation it is very easy to stop notifications from groups, from members or to just unfriend them.  

Facebook is supposed to be social and when it becomes less than fun, it is time to take a break and to leave for awhile.  That works really good and I am really enjoying my time away -  purifying my brain, reconsidering what is important and having time to do things I haven't done in awhile because of all the time wasted on Facebook. Try taking a break, you will go back refreshed.

This essential oil can be seen in my eBay store using the keywords Young Living Essential Oil. ( 


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