As always please consult a doctor before using any alternative healing
Anise / Star = Anis Estrella - For new born babies when they can't stop crying.
Basil = Albahacar - Digestion; good luck.
Boldo Leaves = Boldo - Liver; scars (face); cramps.
Chamomile = Manzanilla - Stomach; to start menstration
Chaparral = Gobernadora - Clean the system; helps with urination
Cinnamon = Canela - Digestion; can be used as a tea after strong emotions
Comfrey – Confrey - Bones; muscular pain; arthritis.
Corn Silk = Barbas de Elote - Lungs; circulation
Dill = Endeldo - Internal pain
Elder Flowers = Sauco - Skin conditions; lung infections
Epazote – Removes gas from gaseous foods. Add to pot of beans ½ hour before they are finished cooking. Good in gaseous veggies too. It is the same enzyme used in Bean-o!
Eucalyptus = Eucalipto - asthma; cough
Fennel = Hinojo - Gas; indigestion; cramps
Hibiscus = Jamaica - Lungs; stomach; fever. Great added to lemonade to make it pink and give it a kick. Especially yummy with lavender added in too.
Horehound = Manrubio - Cough; cold
Lavender = Alucema - Infections; sleep aid. Boil some in water ½ hour before kids bedtime. Will quiet them right down.
Linden Flowers = Tila - Nerves; cough; asthma
Mexican Tea = Epazote de Comer - Removes gas when cooked in food (last 30 minutes); worms; parasites
Mugwort = Estiafate - Stomach ache
Mullein Flowers = Gordolobo - Cough
Marjoram = Mejorana - Circulation; gas.
Mustard/Yellow = Mostaza Amarilla -
Nutmeg = Nuez Moscada - Appetites
Passion Flowers = Pasiflora - Best herb for sleep
PennyRoyal = Poleo - Colds; stomach ache
Peppermint = Menta - Aids digestion; stomach ache
Rose Buds = Rosa de Castilla - Skin; baby cramps; help to relax. Luxurious as a pampering cup of tea.
Rosemary = Romero - Menopause; head ache; asthma; chronic colds
Rue = Ruda - Head ache; ear
Safflower = Azafran (Mexican Saffron) - Used in cooking to add reddish color, very little taste - Spanish rice
Sage = Salvia - Menopause; digestion
Sarsaparilla = Zarzaparrilla - Veneral disease
Senna = Hojasen - Liver; parasites
Seven Blossoms = Siete Azahares - Nerves; sleep aid
Shave Grass / Horsetail = Cola de Caballo - Lungs; menopause; diahrea
Spearmint = Yerba Buena - Stomach ache
Wintergreen = Axocopaque
hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.
- Norman
Iv'e been searching for the translation on DAMIANA and TRONADORA can anyone help please?
Here you go. Damiana is Damiana and Tronadora is Trumpet Flower Here is a link for more info -
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