Monday, September 16, 2013

Pine Tree Stump as a Planter

View from our front window looking out at where our 60 year old, 70' Colorado Blue Spruce once stood.
Back in June I wrote how we hollowed out a pine tree stump and made planter.  Now 3 months later the flowers are growing and blooming.

White Cosmos, pink Zinnias
Morning Glories, Marigolds

Trumpet Vine climbing, bright green is Sweet Potato
Drainage hose under morning glory vine
Mums, Geraniums, decorative grass and Sweet Potato vine


  1. I've seen this in person and as lovely as the pictures are they don't do justice to an in person viewing. This is so very beautiful - like a fairy garden....

  2. I've seen this in person and as lovely as the pictures are they don't do justice to an in person viewing. This is so very beautiful - like a fairy garden....
