Through our stages in life, I think we have to look up to someone and admire their accomplishments and hope to learn just a tiny bit from them.
One such person is our friend Danna Crawford better known as Powersellingmom.com.

We met Danna and her husband Jimmy at YABIE’s Kansas Jubilee, an eBay event, in Hays, KS in Oct. 2008. I have blogged about our meeting before but briefly we rode together from Hays to Denver after the event.
And that started our deep and caring friendship.

Danna started her eBay life as a single mom of 3 children - 1 boy and twin girls, selling Beanie Babies. Time went by and her eBay career evolved. She became an Education Specialist, teaching others how to be better eBay sellers and has written several e-books, too. Besides being a teacher she has been a motivator, inspiration and mentor to thousands, not only in her classes and teachings, but by example.
Part of Danna’s career has been to become involved with MissionFish – eBay’s charity arm. Non-profits register with MissionFish and then sellers can donate all or part of the proceeds of a sale to their favorite charity (as long as it is registered.)
Not one to be complacent Danna is constantly investigating new ways to promote her teaching,
eBay and the non-profits. Right now her Twitter Wall is hot.
About 18 months ago she started her radio show on BlogTalk Radio every Friday night at 8 PM ET. 3 out of the 4 weeks she has a guest that she visits with. Everyone who sells on eBay has their way of selling, obtaining product and their own business practices. Danna has a talent for getting hints from these successful sellers. The 3rd Friday is reserved for call in tips and conversation.

In recognition of Danna’s loyalty and commitment to eBay, she was inducted into the eBay Hall of Fame last year at the eBay Live convention in Chicago.
Process this thought, there are over 8 Million users on eBay and only 30 or so people in the Hall of Fame.
What an honor! And she really deserves it, especially at this time when so many are branching off and trying other venues or bad mouthing eBay’s policy changes, Danna has remained eBay loyal in word, thought and deed.

In addition to the Hall of Fame she also received an award from MissionFish for not only her work with the charities but with promoting them as well. Picture is at the Kansas Jubilee with Jason Minor (from PayPal) and Joyce Banbury (organizer of the event) with a traveling lab coat that was auctioned for a school that was devastated in a tornado in KS.
Her web site has so many opportunities for sellers to self promote and to learn – all for free. Her slogan is “There is enough eBay for everyone to grow and prosper”. On the web site one is able to find wholesale lots and promotes shipping ‘green’ besides this eBay loyalist loves to blog; is always on Twitter; and has several BUMP opportunities on the PowersellingMom.com home page. (You will have to visit that page to see what they are – fun to do and profitable!)

I love the calendar she sells too. Each month has a featured charity, and there are lists of positive thoughts & phrases and another list of chores to be accomplished that month. She includes a CD with each one that instructs how to make best use of our time and best use the calender.

We were able to visit with Danna and her family when we were eBaying in the RV and visiting Florida last winter. She is really just a down to earth gal who puts family first. She is passionate about helping people and works hard to help everyone.

I am proud to call Danna Crawford friend and learn from her all the time. Her model of no drama in her life has led me away from situations & people that have caused stress in my life and made me so much more productive in our own career. THANK YOU DANNA.