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With that in mind I will be adding something I am grateful for on each day of November.
When we focus on the good, good things will come to us. That is better known as a self fulfilling prophecy.
Nov. 1 - My good health, no pills, no issues.
Nov. 2 - Gene! He truly is the wind beneath my wings.
Nov. 3 - I am so grateful for our 6 Children. Each one is so special and have strengths that make us so proud.
Nov. 4 - I am grateful for our God who is loving and bestows riches on us each day of our lives. The least we can do is to just say thank you!!
Nov. 5 - I am grateful for being a distributor of Young Living Essential Oil. 4 drops a day of the Thieves blend, on either our hands or feet, have keep us flu and bad cold - free for over 8 years.
Nov. 6 - I am grateful to my Father for giving me the ambition, dedication and commitment to be self employed, most of my adult life.
Nov. 7 - I am so grateful to the folks at Smoky Hill HS, Aurora CO for a fantastic craft show yesterday. At times there were 3 rows deep of people wanting to order a rice necklaces. Awesome. Thank You!
Nov. 8 - My gratitude today is for our Realtor who found us this perfect house 5+ years ago. Even has an elevator chair for when and if we ever need it!!
Nov. 9 - I am grateful for our childrens spouses and SO's, that bring them much happiness and love.
Nov.10 - I am grateful for our "goin' out to lunch & dinner" friends.
Nov. 11 - Today "Veteran's Day" I am grateful for our active military men and women, all our Veteran's and their families and friends.
Nov. 12 - I am so thankful for having the friendship of so many wonderful eBay sellers.
Nov. 13 - Thinking of my 1st husband today (RIP) and NOW I am grateful he moved us from Long Island, NY to Las Cruces, NM in 1966. Wasn't crazy the idea back then, but it is one of my life changing events.
Nov. 14 - I am so grateful for the day we met Danna & Jimmy Crawford (Powersellingmom.com). Having her family (as friends) and Danna (as a mentor / sounding board for some of my unique eBay ideas) is very precious to both of us.
Nov. 15 - Today I have to be so grateful to the very nice HP Tech in India who solved my printer problems after I struggled for 6 hours trying to get it fixed on my own.
Nov. 16 - I am grateful for Virtual Online Leaning and being the 1st assistant organizer. I am especially grateful that the webinars, classes, chats etc. are done in an hour or so, which demonstrates Danna's consideration of our busy days.
Nov. 17 - I am very thankful to have found Vendio (my listing & customer management service), over 11 years ago. Sure makes my job easier. Vendio Home Page
Nov. 18 - I am grateful to be living in Colorado - great climate and we get to look at the mountain that inspired America the Beautiful everyday. If it is cold, I'll put on a sweater; if it is hot - it will cool off in a few hours; the humidity is below 25% most of the time and if it snows it is usually gone by us in 24 hours.
Nov. 19 - I am grateful to be able to be an active part of Sebastian's (grandson) life.
Nov. 20 - I am grateful for ALL my Facebook and online friends. Thank You.
Nov. 21 - Very thankful for all the help my son and grandson gave us at the last few craft shows.
Nov. 22 - I am grateful to "THE SECRET" (how many years ago now?) and the LOA folks here on Facebook for reminding me that positive thinking, in all things, will be a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Nov. 23 - I am thankful for eBay's GRIFF for all the help he gives us sellers and the info he shares on his Radio show. Us at YABIE'S Kansas Jubilee Oct. 2008 where he suggested we use a mannequin to show off our listed scarves.
Nov. 24 - I am grateful to Virtual Online Learning webinars on how blog and how to promote the blog on Entrecard. Thanks Danna.
Nov. 25 - On this Thanksgiving Day I give thanks for our healthy, happy lives, family, friends and home.