Strawberry Palace on US 60 Plant City, FL. Pick your Own!! 4/10/10
This was an unusual growing season because it got to below freezing several times. In order to preserve the plants and fruit the growers watered 24 /7. The result is huge, flavorful berries. 

Gotta wash them.
Cut 'em up
Mash 'em
Add the sugar and cook them
Finished product. That full flat made over 12 pints of preserves / sauce.
ooooooooooo, how I envy you right now. I miss being home in tampa for just this reason. seeing those ripe ruby berries in that jar makes me so happy for you. looks delicious.
My mouth waters just looking at them. :)
Thanks, Yes we are so glad the season turned around for them. Actually there so much fruit, some farmers are plowing them under because prices were so far down. A crime, a real crime.
we were here just a month ago...also at dinosaur world!
Wow, strawberries are sooo goood!!!! And strawberry jam is delicious. How lucky you are to have home made jam. :-D
I came by through EntreCard. Come by and visit me at Spanish Dreams.
Have a wonderful weekend!
we also travel and sell on ebay!!!! I'm your new follower
Thanks for following. Do you have a blog and what is your eBay ID?
Wow these strawberries look amazing! I love ripe strawberries, not the plastic ones they sell in the stores!
These were so huge and luscious. Never saw so many big ones (more than 2 bites - even!!!
The strawberries aren't ready here yet, but I can guarantee I'll be out picking them as soon as they are :-)
Love those berries!!!
thanks for giving me such idea.
I like to do farm of the strawberries.
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