Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dion's Restaurant - Pizza & Subs

Dion's started in New Mexico and has now expanded to Colorado Springs, CO
 The order is placed and picked up at the counter
There is wait staff circulating through the dining room for refills, take home boxes etc. Their customer service is unequaled.
Cole Slaw and dressing for the subs.

 They were delicious
And best of all they have New Mexico Green Chile to put on the pizza or subs.  Not a common thing outside of New Mexico.

There are many Men's Ties & Chile items available in my eBay store (

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Carrot Souffle Recipe

Found this recipe when we got an over abundance of carrots from the Farmer's Market on our CSA plan. (We are able to chose 1/2 bushel of veggies every week for 20 weeks from Miller Farms in Plattsville, CO but at our local Farmer's Market). 

Sweet enough to be a dessert but we had it with a Ham dinner for Easter. Not a souffle in the truest sense of the word. It is alittle heavier and not as fluffy, probably because the egg whites are not beaten separately and folded in.  So it does not rise in the dish either. 

1lb carrots (~7 carrots)
1/2 c melted butter 
2 eggs 
1/2 sugar  
2Tbs all purpose flour 
1tsp baking powder 
1tsp vanilla extract  

Peel and Boil carrots until tender & drain. 
Combine carrots & butter in food processor or blender. Blend until smooth. 
Add remaining ingredients & blend well. 
Pour mixture into lightly greased 1quart casserole or soufflé dish. 
Bake @ 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until firm.

As a dessert I sprinkle on powdered sugar.

There are many kitchen items available in my eBay store ( under the categories Collectibles or Home & Garden

Monday, April 21, 2014

Our Easter Sunday April 20, 2014

The Easter bunny came to our house.  Basket is for our Grandson and the 2 bags are for are adopted granddaughters
The kids doing an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard. 
 Virginia baked ham. 
Green beans with sauteed shallots, Carrot souffle, scalloped potatoes, fresh fruit salad, homemade buns. Adults got a Cadbury egg and everyone had an Easter Egg with their name on their dinner plate.

Basket of dyed eggs.
Yeast Easter Bunny breads, Rice Krispie Lamb. 

It was so nice sharing the day with our son, grandson and friends that are really more like family.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Memories of Godspell on Broadway in 1970's

My most favorite musical of all time.  Actually when we saw it 2 different times it was off Broadway.  And I think the play is far superior to the movie.  Even high school productions, we have seen, were very good because it put you into the playlot with the actors.

The lyrics are straight from Matthew's gospels.  The concept is a bunch of folks hanging out together and one of their friends is Jesus in modern day.  They ask questions, they play like kids do and Jesus always has a lesson for them. 

Just before intermission is the Last Supper and during intermission the audience was invited onstage to have wine too.  It put us into the play rather than just watching it.  

The finale is mind blowing.  I won't give it away in case someone goes to see it but sure is memorable.  

If nothing else - listen to the music or watch the movie with an open mind.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Santuario de Chimayo on Good Friday

 I  was privileged to live in New Mexico for 35 years of my life.  The Hispanic culture is very strong and runs deep.  One tradition that is very moving is Good Friday at the chapel in Chimayo which is between Santa Fe and Espanola to the east in the high desert with lots of scrub juniper and Pinon trees.
 Besides being the local church it is renowned worldwide for the healing dirt.  There is a hole off to the side of the altar where visitors remove alittle of the dirt and supposedly no one fills the hole back up. (There are any stories debunking that theory tho').  Nevertheless it is called healing dirt.
 After exiting the 'dirt' room you enter another room where the walls are lined with crutches and braces and canes, all left by people who have been healed by the dirt.
 On Good Friday Pilgrims from all over walk many miles to the Santuario. Many are doing it in thanksgiving, for a healing, for a sacrifice, as penance.  I suspect that for as many pilgrims there are, there as many different reasons.

Some folks carry crosses, others go on their knees. The devotion is unrivaled

Thousands of pilgrims make their pilgrimage every year.  Beautiful setting. Beautiful tradition and devotion to be admired.

One time when we were there we had a chance to visit with the priest.  He told us he a plane ticket in his pocket to return to his home.  The joke was he had been there over 30 years (not sure of the years - but it was a very long time)  and hadn't left yet!!

Visiting the Santuario de Chimayo is an absolute must for anyone visiting or passing by  Albuquerque or Santa Fe.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Thursday in the 1950's

Growing up Catholic in the 1950's Holy Thursday was really the first day of the Passion of Christ.  It is the day of the Last Supper and Jesus demonstrating being humble and washing the feet of his disciples. 

Churches were decorated with huge floral displays.  I specifically remember a Chalice with a communion Host, probably 8-10 feet tall.

It was our custom to visit 3 different churches, say prayers and to earn special indulgences. The churches always smelled so good with all the flowers and a hint of incense, each one alittle different. 

After Vatican II, in the mid 60's, using Latin was gone, wearing head coverings for girls & women were past tense and the custom of the displays and visiting neighboring churchs disappeared.

As a choir member for many years it too was the start of 4 days of services / masses until Easter Sunday.

Sometimes I miss those days when things seemed so much simpler and clear cut. 

There are many collectibles available in my eBay store ( including this German Prayer Book under the categories Collectibles or Home & Garden

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Impossible to be Invisible on the Internet

Berberichs & Sons Shoe Hook
We were helping a friend do a yard sales last week.  She was able to make a large sale using an app on her smart phone. (Hooked them in!) I mentioned I had forgotten to bring my PayPal Here Credit Card Reader. She said she had an extra Square.  I loaded the app and gave the necessary info to have it deposit into my bank account. 

At one point, for security reasons, they asked me 3 questions that blew my mind.  1)- Where did you live between 1959 & 1962?  4 options/ 1 was correct. 2) - Which county have you lived in? Again 4 opinions/ 1 was correct and 3)- Who do you know? 3 options plus none of the above.

I don't do any banking or pay bills online, but that info is still available.  No wonder people have their identities hacked.  Scary!!

There are many collectibles available in my eBay store ( under the categories Collectible or Home & Garden

My Point & Shoot Digital Camera - Canon SX170 IS

The only way to prove how much I love this camera is to show some photos I have taken.  I have it set to Auto and no flash.  So it truly is just a point & shoot.

The macro is awesome too.  Many times I see things on a closeup that I did not notice with my naked eye.  This especially good when I am listing something on eBay, like this Dollhouse bathrooms, to find flaws that I may not have noticed before. 

Typically, I only have to take one photo for each 'pose'.  Yesterday I took 284 photos in less than an hour and half.
And without changing anything I can do landscapes, like this photo from my front window of Pikes Peak!! 

I bought my camera at Best Buy and like the size becuase it is not one of those tiny ones that can get lost in my purse.  This one fits in the palm of my hand and is easy to find and has a rechargeable battery.  I bought a 2nd battery immediately, so I always have one fully charged. 

Several friends bought this camera on my recommendation and are glad they did.  So if you are looking to buy a camera consider the Canon SX170 IS.

The Doll furniture is available in my eBay store ( under the the title Doll House Bathrooms 6 pieces Sink Tub Toilet Ceramic

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Is Facebook Toxic or does it serve a purpose?

As many, I think I am addicted to Facebook.  It is fun keeping up with family, friends, school mates and people we have met over the years. I enjoy seeing photos, doing quizzes and finding out what flower I am or which country I should live in.  There videos of things I would never have found on my own.  Plus so much more.

Occasionally posts get misinterpreted and get out of hand and a fray ensues.  My way of dealing with those rare occasions is to retreat, stay away from the boards. Depending on the situation it is very easy to stop notifications from groups, from members or to just unfriend them.  

Facebook is supposed to be social and when it becomes less than fun, it is time to take a break and to leave for awhile.  That works really good and I am really enjoying my time away -  purifying my brain, reconsidering what is important and having time to do things I haven't done in awhile because of all the time wasted on Facebook. Try taking a break, you will go back refreshed.

This essential oil can be seen in my eBay store using the keywords Young Living Essential Oil. ( 


Wildwood Casino & Gold King Mountain Hotel

Cripple Creek is on old mining town and is 1 of 3 little towns allowed to have gambling - slot machines & tables - in Colorado.  All the casinos are small, quiant and about an hours drive from Colorado Springs. It is about 11,000 feet above sea level and the views are like we are at the top of the world with a long snow covered mountain range off in the distance.

We made a last minute decision to go up to stay over night.  I called a few different hotels and confirmed at the Gold King Mountain Hotel.  We have stayed here before with points earned, so it was free.  But this time we had to pay $72.00 and had a lovely room on the 2nd floor.  It was as nice as any hotel we have stayed at all over the country.  Even had a mint on the pillows!  The rate included a free buffet breakfast = value $15.00 for the 2 of us. The hotel is off site from the casino and there is a shuttle to go anywhere in the town.

The 1st call I made for reservations was to the hotel at the Midnight Rose /JP McGill's / Brass Ass.  I was told the rate was $92.00 plus a $50.00 security deposit.  I asked what for and he said incidentals.  Needless to say I was taken aback.  Can't remember ever staying any place that required a deposit like that.  Me - "What incidentals"?  He couldn't give me a valid answer.  So I told him that eventuality they have had theft and damage to the rooms and now require that deposit.  Since that is the case it was not anyplace I wanted to stay.

We had a lovely time, I won $121 on a Phantom of the Opera penny slot machine at the Century Casino. A short trip like that, for less than 24 hours, is a great mini vacation without having to go so far from home.

We have many Casino related items available in my eBay store ( under the title Casino

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Warning for All Meetup Organizers

This is a heads up to any Meetup Organizer to learn from my experience.  Our group was approached by a speaker who wanted to visit the group from out of town and would paid their own way but it took alot to get the details / dates nailed down.

 4 different folks warned me that this person has taken advantage of meetup organizers, from all over the country, but I was put into a position where I was unable to refuse the request. I looked to see if there had been any promotion, and if there was, it was minimal and I did not see any mention on their Facebook group. 

They requested that I not only publicize the speaking date but also a workshop that was scheduled for the next day. 

We were able to get several who paid alot for the workshop along with another 5 who signed up for a larger conference for several hundred dollars per person. 

The impression was given that the speaker felt that they were doing us a favor by offering to speak to the group but in fact their reputation preceded them, which kept my members away.

Now, I feel taken advantage because there was no gratitude shown or acknowledgement for the work done to secure a good turn out for the meeting or for the workshop. 

THE LESSON - Always research any requests from speakers and go with your gut feeling or if you are warned about drama surrounding a potential speaker refuse the request.  

And if by chance you do accept the speaking engagement be sure you have an arrangement before hand to collect a commission on all money raised from your event(s). 

 The cutey Police Officer Rubber Duck is available in my eBay store ( under the title - Rubber Duck Police Officer State Trooper Badge Smokey Hat New

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Getting to Know You

Recently we attended an eBay event in Denver.  Most of the folks there were eBay sellers from the Denver / Colorado Springs area.  Anytime we have attended one of these events we have come away energized and ready to tackle the world. 

So too this time. Talking with eBay staff, listening to their presentations and vising with other online sellers is so refreshing.  Working for ourselves at home can be a lonely task.  But knowing others that are facing the challenges makes ours seem minimal. 

I think it is important for anyone who works in any profession, especially from home, to interact with people in the same business and of like mind, even if it requires a mini vacation to attend such a gathering. 

The plate pictured above is currently available in my eBay store (  with the title - Getting To Know You King & I Plate Collector NIB Vintage Brenner Kerr COA

Home Depot Kids Day

We just learned that Home Depot had a kids Day the 1st Saturday of each month. 

It is so cute - they get a bright orange apron and a pin and a project to do for free.  In March they made a bird house and now in April a bird feeder.  Each project has been sponsored by a new Movie so each item has stickers. The pin is from the movie too.

Our grandson loves going and is so proud he gets to nail, hammer, sand, screw, tie, glue, put on decals etc.

The hours are from 9 -12 but each project seems to only take an hour or so.  I am told that kids come in at anytime.  

So if there is a Home Depot near you take the kids.  They will also meet and make new friends.

Isn't that Pooh Bear the cutest?  He is a handyman but because he is holding a little teddy bear I am calling him Grandpa's Helper.  :)  He can be seen in my eBay Store ( under the title -  Handyman Grandpa's Helper Winnie Pooh Bear Hammer Dog Yellow Cap Disney Store 8" Doll Bean Bag Stuffed Animal

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Beware Empty vs Not Full - word play

I have been caught up in semantics the last week and these containers are a great example of what I am experiencing.  Are they empty or not full?  Same thing really but different wording means different things to many people. Empty could mean there is nothing in them while Not Full could mean there was something in them and there isn't any more. And then could that be interpreted as new vs used.

My experience with eBay has been a long one and one question I always ask myself who is my buyer and what words do they use to search for a certain item.

When I can answer that question I pretty much have my title. As an eBay seller it is my job to be sure my titles and descriptions are void of any words that can be misconstrued. 

Facebook is full of misinterpretations and twisted meanings of words & sentences.  And once that happens the snowball starts rolling down hill, gathering all the negativity and drama it can conger up.  

So beware how you say things, what you post anywhere on the internet.  There are those just waiting to pounce.  

These containers are currently listed in my eBay store with the title - 2 Spice Containers 1 oz Seeds Powder See Through Lid Stainless Crafts Beads