Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Carrot Souffle Recipe

Found this recipe when we got an over abundance of carrots from the Farmer's Market on our CSA plan. (We are able to chose 1/2 bushel of veggies every week for 20 weeks from Miller Farms in Plattsville, CO but at our local Farmer's Market). 

Sweet enough to be a dessert but we had it with a Ham dinner for Easter. Not a souffle in the truest sense of the word. It is alittle heavier and not as fluffy, probably because the egg whites are not beaten separately and folded in.  So it does not rise in the dish either. 

1lb carrots (~7 carrots)
1/2 c melted butter 
2 eggs 
1/2 sugar  
2Tbs all purpose flour 
1tsp baking powder 
1tsp vanilla extract  

Peel and Boil carrots until tender & drain. 
Combine carrots & butter in food processor or blender. Blend until smooth. 
Add remaining ingredients & blend well. 
Pour mixture into lightly greased 1quart casserole or soufflé dish. 
Bake @ 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until firm.

As a dessert I sprinkle on powdered sugar.

There are many kitchen items available in my eBay store (Herbscraftsgifts.com) under the categories Collectibles or Home & Garden

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